CIDAUT participates in the International Congress of Energy Engineering iENER once again this year
The IV Energy Engineering Congress (iENER) organized by the AEE Spain Chapter took place on [...]
CIDAUT at the General Assembly of GASNAM-Neutral Transport
The city of Valencia has hosted the several activities that Gasnam-Neutral Transport has organized on [...]
The First INTEGRA Young Researcher Competition just opened
The F. CIDAUT participates together with 3 other technology centers (CTAG, ITENE, I2CAT) in the [...]
First General Assembly of the ESTELLA project
The ESTELLA consortium held its First General Assembly on the 7th and 8th of February [...]
The r-LightBioCom Kick-off-meeting
CIDAUT continues to advance in the development of thermoset composite materials with improved recyclability properties [...]
Bionanopolys Open Innovation Test Bed (OITB)
Our open call ( for free trials has been launched!!! Last 17th February 2023 Bionanopolys [...]
CIDAUT uses artificial intelligence to monitor the use of last mile parking spaces
CIDAUT together with Valladolid City Council is implementing several measures to make the urban transport [...]
CIDAUT at the General Assembly of the PTeH2.
On January 26, the General Assembly of the Spanish Hydrogen Technological Platform (PTe H2) took [...]
CIDAUT will be present in the second edition of SAHE, Hybrid and Electric Vehicle Show, in Valladolid
From 14th to 16th of April, the second edition of the Hybrid and Electric Vehicle [...]
CIDAUT participates in a project for the introduction of hydrogen and ammonia in marine propulsion systems
CIDAUT, as an expert in the use of hydrogen and ammonia in propulsion systems, participates [...]
CIDAUT tackles the passive safety challenges posed by the automated driving
Step by step automated driving is becoming present in our daily driving. Some years ago, [...]
CIDAUT is present at TRA Lisbon to show the safe low footprint vehicles developed in Avangard project
IFEVS is the Italian company designing smart electric urban vehicles with four main characteristics, affordability, [...]
CIDAUT demonstrates, thanks to Multi-Moby project, that it is possible to design Euro NCAP complying electric urban vehicles
Euro NCAP protocols are continuously evolving to warranty the highest level of active and passive [...]
CIDAUT Hydrogen projects were showed in ‘Iknowledge – Forum of technology centers’
El Batel Auditorium and Conference Center hosted, on October 4 and 5, a forum of [...]
CIDAUT take part in European Hydrogen Week
From October 24th to 28th, the European Hydrogen Week took place in Brussels. The Vice [...]
CIDAUT sponsors and participates in the I BIOREFINE CONGRESS
Last November 16th, the 1st Biorefine Congress. Agricultural and industrial solution took place in the [...]
20th anniversary of the Spanish Hydrogen Association
On November 22, 2022, the event to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the Spanish Hydrogen [...]
Circular Economy Forum: Challenge of plastic recycling
On the 27th of September, the Circular Economy Forum: Challenge of plastic recycling organized by [...]
ESTELLA project kick-off meeting
[et_pb_section admin_label=»section»] [et_pb_row admin_label=»row»] [et_pb_column type=»4_4″][et_pb_text admin_label=»Text»] Last July 5th, the ESTELLA consortium met in [...]
Periodic review meeting of the CREATOR project
The CREATOR consortium, consisting of 17 partners, met in Belgium last September with the Project [...]
Cidaut and Valladolid City Councill will test connectivity solutions for intelligent transport applications
In the frame of Urbane, Horizon Europe Project, the research center and the municipality will [...]
Active and passive solutions joint to respond smartly to crash events.
In the frame of Salient, Horizon Europe Project, Cidaut together with eleven partners will search [...]
CIDAUT shows at iENER’22 its advances in Digital Twin as a tool for improving energy efficiency.
On 6 and 7 July 2022, the 3rd International Energy Engineering Congress (iENER’22) took place [...]
CIDAUT renews its participation in the Steering Group of the new Spanish Hydrogen Technology Platform.
In the process of growth of the interest on hydrogen technologies sector in Spain, the [...]
CIDAUT has led the organization of a meeting to analyze the opportunities of the strategic project for the recovery and economic transformation (PERTE) of the aerospace sector.
On 28 june 2022 the innovation ecosystem of the aerospace sector of Castilla y Leon [...]
CIDAUT participates in the most relevant Hydrogen event in Spain: EHEC 2022
Last May 18th, 19th and 20th, the most relevant European Hydrogen Conference took place in [...]
CIDAUT is working on the development of a digital twin to fight against COVID-19 pandemic
In the midst of the seventh wave of COVID-19, intelligence technologies such as big data, [...]
CIDAUT participates in the XIV National Congress of Composite Materials – MATCOMP2021
Researchers of the area of Material, Products, Process from the CIDAUT Foundation, attended the XIV [...]
Cidaut’s occupants monitoring solutions
It seems obvious that driving automation needs new capabilities from the vehicle, lots of sensors [...]
Cidaut presents research and development projects’ results at SAHE
In the frame of SAHE, Hybrid and Electric Automotive Show, celebrated in Valladolid from the [...]
BIONANOPOLYS Project – Accelerating the introduction of biobased nano-enabled materials into the market
The Bionanopolys project ( continues to progress towards the objective of creating a network of [...]
Recycled fire-resistant materials in the CREATOR project
The high volumes of plastic waste – for example from construction and demolition, aeronautics and [...]
After the COVID impasse, numerous hydrogen events are being organised with the participation of CIDAUT
It seems that the desire to share experiences and knowledge about hydrogen has not diminished [...]
CIDAUT participates in the Zeppelin green hydrogen project
CIDAUT is one of the research entities participating in the Zeppelin industrial research project, which [...]
On 16 february 2022, CIDAUT, jointly with Centro para el Desarrollo Tecnológico e Industrial (CDTI) and Instituto para la Competitividad Empresarial de Castilla y León (ICE), have organized the event “Cluster 4: proposal preparation for Horizon Europe Programme”
The official opening of this event was carried out by Mr. Jesús Jiménez de Miguel [...]
INTEGRA Project completes its first year with an open web workshop to disseminate the main achievements
The four members of INTEGRA partnership, CTAG, Cidaut, Itene and i2cat, have participated in the [...]
Cidaut participates in Green Deal Initiative through Probono Project
In our commitment to fight climate change, Cidaut is contributing to European Commission’s ambitious policies [...]
Is it feasible to produce electric vehicles in a micro-factory?
Cidaut together with the partners of Avangard European project is trying to get the answer [...]
Workshop STEM on 26 of january
Fundación CIDAUT has several years being part of the STEM Initiative (Science, Technology, Engineering and [...]
Official opening of the OSIRIS project
OSIRIS is an ambitious national project whose main objective is to promote a strategic cooperation [...]
The MEDUSA 300-Phase I project successfully reaches one of its most relevant milestones
Last 27th October 2021, the follow-up meeting of the MEDUSA 300 Phase I Project took [...]
Cidaut integrates active and passive safety solution to improve vulnerable road users’ protection
In the frame of the European Project Multi-Moby, and with the relevant collaboration of IFEVS [...]
Cidaut participates in the Dialogue on Technical Capabilities between Ohio (USA) and Spain
On the 17th of November, CDTI (Centro para el Desarrollo Tecnológico Industrial) has organized a [...]
CIDAUT attends the 16th annual assembly of The Spanish Railway Technology Platform, PTFE
The Spanish Railway Technology Platform (PTFE), whose technical secretariat is provided by the Spanish Railways [...]
CIDAUT attends GENERA 2021 and European Hydrogen Week
Last November, two relevant events took place at national and European level in the field [...]
3D printing revolution in the automotive sector
Cidaut has participated in an event organized by Hewlett Packard and Sernauto with the collaboration [...]
The consortium of Bionanopolys met for the first General Assembly meeting.
Unfortunately, the strike of coronavirus pandemic in Europe made impossible to celebrate a face-to-face meeting. [...]
CIDAUT successfully completes the pilot tests on the use of ANG tanks in dual-fuel converted vehicle within ECOGATE project.
CIDAUT successfully completes the pilot tests on the use of ANG tanks in dual-fuel converted [...]
It is possible to be small and safe
Cidaut has led STEEL S4 EV European project for the last three years. The last [...]
Strategic cooperation for Integral Safety using Connected and Automated Driving Solutions
Aligned with its mission and vision of putting safety in the forefront of mobility solutions, [...]
Cidaut: 10 years mooving electric
On 24th October 2011, Cidaut started one exciting jorney on board a Nissan Leaf. Since [...]
Cidaut will be present at European Green Deal Projects
Probono Project has been approved for funding by the European Commission in the Frame of [...]
Rare Earth free electric motors with enhanced performance suitable to be manufactured in Europe with European Raw Materials
The finalization of RefreeDrive Project, led by Cidaut, has confirmed that it is possible to [...]
Cidaut develops a methodology to determine the effect of the welding process in the fatigue life of welded HSS electric vehicles structures
High strength steel tubular frames are a cost effective solution for urban electric vehicles. On [...]
CIDAUT joins BEPA, the batteries european partnership association
CIDAUT, has officially joined BEPA, the Batteries European Partnership Association (BEPA), confirming its commitment to [...]
CIDAUT launches the “OFICINA ACELERA PYME” to drive the adoption of digital technologies by SMEs, self-employers and entrepreneurs.
CIDAUT Foundation has become one of the headquarters of an OFICINA ACELERA PYME (OAP) chosen [...]
ReFreeDrive project activities update
March 2021 saw the end of ReFreeDrive project. In the last months of the project [...]
Cidaut leads integral safety development of automated urban vehicles
Urban mobility is smoothly changing, the electric vehicles are slowly but firmly conquering their natural [...]
Urban electric vehicles micro-factories for km 0 production
Cidaut is making a detailed analysis of the automotive value chain in Castilla y León [...]
On 16 and 17 March the Ente Regional de la Energía de Castilla y León [...]
Cidaut applies integral safety concept to automated urban electric vehicles
In the frame of Multi-Moby European Project, which aims at developing of technology for safe, [...]
CIDAUT becomes a new member of Hydrogen Europe Research
Hydrogen Europe Research (HER) is the research grouping of the Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Joint [...]
Valorcomp holds end-of-project meeting
On 17 December 2020, the VALORCOMP consortium held the last project meeting. After more than [...]
ORANGE.BAT press release
An international consortium of 40 organisations from Spain, Germany, Switzerland, Italy and Greece, led by [...]
Blockchain applied to the manufacturing of light urban electric vehicles
Cidaut is involved in Avangard project whose main objective is to develop advanced manufacturing solutions [...]
ReFreeDrive project activities update
Since the last update, ReFreeDrive project has attended several international events for disseminating the progress [...]
Cidaut Foundation and Telefonica subsidiary ElevenPaths sign an agreement to boost efforts around industrial cybersecurity.
Cidaut Foundation and Telefonica subsidiary ElevenPaths sign an agreement to boost efforts around industrial cybersecurity. [...]
First safe urban electric vehicles prototypes ready to be tested in Avangard Project
The aim of Avangard is to design a microfactory for the production of electric cars [...]
Successful real time testing for artificial vision and dedicated short range communication
In the field of the CERO Project, Cidaut has performed real time on board tests [...]
CIDAUT talks about hydrogen in the AVL DIGITAL TECH WEEK 2020
Last October, AVL organised a series of technical conferences in online format, which addressed the [...]